• Zero tolerance mode in effect!

Освобождение концлагерей ВМВ

По мне вообще всеx должны были расстрелять.

Если бы и впрямь всех охранников расстреляли у стенки из пулемета -- то и фиг бы с ним.

Но говорить, что всех расстреляли, да еще с жареными подробностями, когда этого не было -- уже са-авсем другой коленкор. Впрочем ладно, я уже повторяюсь.
Вот видите? Вы восприняли это нормально, поставили лайк, и так далее. Но при том 500+ убитых человек и таскание медсестр за волосы интернизировали, осадок некий остался. Потому-то это и есть хорошая ревизионистская пропаганда.

Я может недостаточно ясно выразился, для меня "факт" являлся лишь дополнительным доказательтвом зверств немцев. На счёт осадка, это даже не осадок а чёткая мысль так им сукам и надо.
врзможно офтоп немного но . раз вспомнил напишу
я напишу вам историю со слов моей бабушки я ее слышал от нее несколько раз еще школьником , правда никогда не предавал этому значения до 2014 года это ж никогда уже не повторитсо . такой стоял предохранитель в мозгу. поэтому и нераспрашивал никогда подробностей
моя бабушка жила недалеко от перемишля
так вот она расказывала когда гнали колоной семьи евреев на речку сян говорила что там их растреливали и топили
тогда женщины носили широкие длинные юбки и они стояли у обочины вдоль дороги
а еврейские матери выталкивали своих детей из колоны и женщины прятали их под юбки
так вот мальчика и девочку спрятали под юбку . лично ли она спрятала незнаю . но точно одна из ее сестер и еще кто то
так вот ее очень обижало что девочка когда выросла не здоровалась с ее сестрой
что там произшло почему может конфликт поколеней . незнаю но точно помню звучала обида .

так вот такая история и подробностей не узнать уже живых нет а кого именно спасли тогда фамилий и т.д. тоже не известно
неизвестнно где и как и прятали всю войну . моей матери тогда было 4 года она тоже нераскажет наверное . хотя можно спросить

так вот если включить фантазию пропагандона эту историю можно вывернуть и так и этак . и даже сделать из моей бабки антисимитку .
хотя я точно помню когда она расказывала о сожжении синагоги сльозы у нее выступали
дословно звучало так : хлопів здорових як дубів закрили синагозі . заблокували двері облили бензином і підпалили .

а в 47 году ей самой пришлось бросить дом землю и уехать с польши в украину за мужем моим дедом .
дед у меня украинец бабушка полька . так званая операция висла

я вспомнил все это . на прошлой неделе взял выписку с архива какое имущество оставил мой дед в польше
3,5 гектара земли и строений двести квадратних метров

кстати моя бабушка в отличие от деда не отказалась от своей земли теоритически можно ехать в польшу предявлять права .
она была сильной женщиной по характеру
Фотография из Дахау:

Alongside the concentration camp (Dachau), 50 box cars sat with over 1500 prisoners who were shipped by train without food from Buchenwald to Dachau. American soldiers find one lone and thankful survivor in a train on the siding outside the Dachau concentration camp. All of the others had perished.
Photo credit: 42nd "Rainbow" Infantry Division : A Combat history of World War II, Lt. Hugh C. Daly, editor, 1946

Именно после того как солдаты 42 и 45 дивизии обнаружили "поезда смерти" произошли два инцидента которые точно можно назвать расстрелом военнопленных. Лейтенант Волш приказал четырем эсесовцам забраться в один из вагонов где уже лежали мертвые тела заключенных и пристрелил их (надеюсь эти немцы все осознали когда лейтенант поднимал свой пистолет). Позже солдаты под его же командованием вывели около шестидесяти немцев из санчасти, которая находилась в пяти минутах ходьбы от поезда с 1500 мертвыми людьми, в тот самый угольный двор. Там из пулемета дали очередь по пленным и убили 17 эсесовцев. Впрочем расправа была немедленно остановлена прибежавшим на звуки выстрелов подполковником Спарксом, который пинком откинул пулеметчика от .30cal, выстрелил из пистолета в воздух, и отстранил Волша от командования.
Фотография из Дахау:

Alongside the concentration camp (Dachau), 50 box cars sat with over 1500 prisoners who were shipped by train without food from Buchenwald to Dachau. American soldiers find one lone and thankful survivor in a train on the siding outside the Dachau concentration camp. All of the others had perished.
Photo credit: 42nd "Rainbow" Infantry Division : A Combat history of World War II, Lt. Hugh C. Daly, editor, 1946

Именно после того как солдаты 42 и 45 дивизии обнаружили "поезда смерти" произошли два инцидента которые точно можно назвать расстрелом военнопленных. Лейтенант Волш приказал четырем эсесовцам забраться в один из вагонов где уже лежали мертвые тела заключенных и пристрелил их (надеюсь эти немцы все осознали когда лейтенант поднимал свой пистолет). Позже солдаты под его же командованием вывели около шестидесяти немцев из санчасти, которая находилась в пяти минутах ходьбы от поезда с 1500 мертвыми людьми, в тот самый угольный двор. Там из пулемета дали очередь по пленным и убили 17 эсесовцев. Впрочем расправа была немедленно остановлена прибежавшим на звуки выстрелов подполковником Спарксом, который пинком откинул пулеметчика от .30cal, выстрелил из пистолета в воздух, и отстранил Волша от командования.
Я не знаю откуда у тебя это данные, я еще раз повторю- ЕСТЬ ВИДЕО ЗАПИСИ и ПРИЗНАНИЯ что расстреляли чуток поболее 17 человек
То что это неправда свидетельствует тот факт, что нет _никаких_ документальных свидетельств убийства 500+ человек (более того, есть документы противоречащие этому, ибо байки про 500+ убийств упоминают что всех эсесовцев в лагере убили сразу, а это не так). Нет _никаких_ документальных свидетельств вытаскивания медсестр за волосы и их расстрела, или убийств солдат в санитарном поезде.

Стало быть вместо "неприятного факта, которые педалируется отрицателями Холокоста" мы имеем "пронацистскую ложь, которая педалируется отрицателями Холокоста" -- разница понятна, да? И эта ложь и впрямь педалируется "ревизионистами", в том числе и в рунете (ссылок давать не буду, нефиг им траффик генерировать). Цель оной лжи -- надавить на эмоции с помощью вымышленных преступлений американцев с "жареными" подробностями, тем самым попытаясь как бы слегка оправдав страдания заключенных, мол все стороны в той войне были зверями.

Ну и дабы оная тема не была только сборищем ревизионистских баек. Вот summary доклада расследования инцидента в Дахау, проведенного американской армией вскоре после указанных событий. Задокументировано тридцать убийств эсесовцев, ну и нет никаких "тасканий медсестр за волосы и их расстрела", внезапно.

Office of the Inspector General, Seventh Army (CP)
APO 758, US Army

8 June 1945


SUBJECT: Investigation of Allied Mistreatment of German Guards at Dachau.

TO: Commanding General, Seventh Army (CP), APO 758, US Army.

1. This investigation was conducted by Lt. Colonel Joseph Whitaker, IGD, Assistant Inspector General, Seventh Army, pursuant to the directive of the Commanding General, Seventh Army, issued by the Chief of Staff 2 May 1945.

2. German guards at the Concentration Camp at Dachau, Germany, were alleged to have been mistreated at the hands of American troops, and such is the subject matter of this report (Exhibit "A")

(NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis at ends of paragraphs refer to supporting evidence, a list of which follows the last page of this report.)

3. The German Dachau Internment Camp was overrun 29 April 1945 by elements of the 3d Bn, 157th Infantry, 45th Infantry Division. A small party of the 42d Division also entered the area from the front at approximately the same time. (1)

4. At the entrance to the back area of the Dachau prison grounds, four German soldiers surrendered to Lt William P Walsh 0-414901, in command of Company "I" 157th Infantry. These prisoners Lt. Walsh ordered into a box car, where he personally shot them. Pvt Albert C. Pruitt, 34573708, Company "I", 157th Infantry, then climbed into the box car where these Germans were on the floor moaning and apparently still alive, and finished them off with his rifle. (2)

5. After entry into the Dachau Camp area, Lt Walsh segregated from surrendered prisoners of war those who were identified as SS Troops. (3)

6. Such segregated prisoners of war were marched into a separate enclosure, lined up against the wall and shot down by American troops, who were acting under the orders of Lt Walsh. A light machine gun, a BAR, carbines and either a pistol or a submachine gun were used. Seventeen of such prisoners of war were killed and others wounded. (4)

7. Lt Jack Bushyhead, 0-1284822, executive officer of Company "I" participated with Lt Walsh in the handling of SS men and during the course of the shooting personally fired his weapon at the prisoners.

8. Lt Daniel F Drain, 0-2006047, acting under the orders of Lt. Walsh, directed men under his command to set up the machine gun which was used, but did not personally fire or give orders to fire. (6)

9. Lt. Howard E. Buechner 0-435481, Battalion Surgeon, visited the area and saw the bodies after the shooting. He observed that some were still alive, but made no examination to determine whether or not their lives could be saved, and did nothing to aid them. (7)

10. Lt. Drain witnessed physical abuse of prisoners of war by released inmates of the Camp and did nothing to stop it. ( 8 )

11. After entry into the camp, personnel of the 42d division discovered the presence of guards, presumed to be SS men, in a tower to the left of the main gate of the inmate stockade. This tower was attacked by Tec 3 Henry J. Wells, 39271327, Headquarters Military Intelligence Services, ETO, covered and aided by a party under them by the guards in the tower. A number of Germans were taken prisoner; after they were taken and within a few feet of the tower from which they were taken, they were shot and killed. (9)

12. Considerable confusion exists in the testimony as to the particulars of this shooting; however Wells, German interrogator for the 222d Infantry, states that he had lined these Germans up in double rank preparatory to moving them out; that he saw no threatening gesture; but he shot into them after some other American soldiers, whose identities are unknown, started shooting them. (10)

13. Lt Colonel Fellenz was entering the door of the tower at the time of this shooting, took no part in it, and testified that he could not have stopped it. (11)

14. After the camp was taken and was somewhat settled down, two Germans were shot by inmates who used the service rifle of Pfc Peter J. Demarzo, 42175967, Company "L", 157th Infantry, 45th Division, who was then on guard duty. Although his company commander, Lt. Lawrence R. Steward, Jr, 0-1060658, was informed of such a happening, no investigation has been made in the company to determine the facts or whether or not such soldier or other members of the guard should receive disciplinary action. (12)


15. Troops entering this camp area passed the famous train with its cars of dead bodies. Inside the camp other indications of Nazi treatment were evident. The sight of these numerous victims would naturally produce strong mental reaction on the part of both officers and men. Such circumstances are extenuating, but are the only extenuating facts found. (13)

16. Lt Walsh testified that the SS men were segregated in order to properly guard them, and were then fired upon because they started moving towards the guards. However, the dead bodies were located along the wall against which they had been lined up, they were killed along the entire line, although Lt Walsh only claims those on one flank moved, and a number of witnesses testified that it was generally "understood" that these prisoners were to be shot when they were being segregated. These facts contradict the defensive explanation given by Lt Walsh (14)

17. The bodies of the dead Germans in two instances showed severed finger [sic], in other instances crushed skulls. There is no evidence that the SS men were mutilated before they were shot. When the Inspector viewed these bodies numerous inmates of the camp had access to yard and grounds where they were; it is probably that they had such access at all times subsequent to the liberation of the camp and possible that the crushed skulls and severed fingers observed by the Inspector resulted from visits of such persons after the shooting. (15)

18. It is obvious that the Americans present when the guards were shot at the tower labored under much excitement. However, Wells could speak German fluently, he knew no shots had been fired at him in his attack on the tower, he had these prisoners lined up, he saw no threatening gesture or act. It is felt that his shooting into them was entirely unwarranted the whole incident smacks of execution similar to the other incidents described in this report (16)

19. The Inspector was unable to identify other persons who also fired in this killing. The confusion of evidence surrounding the tower incident also extends to the number killed there, and the witnesses gave widely varying estimates. The Inspector counted six bodies in a group at the tower on 3 May 1945, and at least one other body in accounted for as having been washed away in the canal, making a tentative total of seven. (17)

20. It is felt that a distinction should be made between the enlisted men who shot prisoners of war while acting under orders of a responsible officer and those two enlisted men, Pvt Pruitt and Tec 3 Wells, who acted under their own volition.

21. The evidence as to the shooting of two Germans by inmates using the rifle of PFC De Marzo indicates a failure of such soldier in his duties as a sentry, an apparent lack of training and discipline in guard duty on the part of such soldier, his associate and the sergeant of the guard; and neglect on the part of the company commander to make any inquiry or fact finding investigation into the circumstances also reflects upon the administrative functioning of such company (12)

22. Lt. Col Felix L. Sparks, 0-386497, now with Assembly Area Command, was in command of the 3d Battalion, 157th Infantry, during the Dachau operation. There is testimony that at the beginning of this operation he fired his pistol into the body of a German lying on the ground; there is testimony that he was present or nearby when Lt Walsh ordered four prisoners of war into a box car where they were shot; later when Lt Walsh segregated from other prisoners those identified as SS, Lt Colonel Sparks was in the immediate vicinity and according to testimony was the one who stopped the shooting of those segregated. The Inspector was unable to find any confirmation of the statement of one witness that Lt Col Sparks fired his pistol; there is no proof that he had actual knowledge of the box car shooting although nearby; nor that he knew of the segregation of the SS men or the purpose thereof. Because it has been impossible to contact him for his testimony conclusions as to his responsibility are not drawn in this report. (1:cool:


23. German soldiers after their surrender as prisoners of war to American troops were summarily shot and killed by such troops.

24. Four of such prisoners of war were shot by Lt William P. Walsh, 0-414901, Hq, 157th Infantry, 45th Division, and by Pvt Albert C. Pruitt, 34573708, Company "I", 157th Infantry, 45th Division.

25. Germans identified as SS were segregated from other prisoners of war, marched into an enclosed yard, lined against the wall, and summarily executed under the personal supervision and orders of Lt Walsh. Seventeen of those segregated were killed.

26. Lt Jack Busheyhead, 0-1284822, Company "I", 157th Infantry, 45th Division, an executive officer to Lt Walsh, assisted such officer, and in addition personally participated in the execution of the seventeen.

27. Lt Daniel F. Drain, 0-2006047, Company "I", 157th Infantry, 45th Division, assisted by directing his men to set up the machine gun used in the execution, knowing the unauthorized purpose to which it was to be put.

28. Lt Drain witnessed abuse of prisoners of war without taking steps to stop or prevent it.

29. Lt Howard E. Buechner, 0-435481, 3d Bn, 157th Infantry, 45th Division, violated his duty both as a physician and a soldier in ignoring the possibility of saving the wounded by still living prisoners who had been shot.

30 Tec 3 Harry J. Wells, 39271327, Headquarters Military Intelligence Services, ETO, wantonly shot and killed prisoners of war in his custody.

31. Inmates shot and killed two guards, using a service rifle which they took from a soldier on guard duty, one Pfc PeterJ. De Marzo, 42175967, Company "L", 157th Infantry, 45th Division. No investigation of the circumstances was made in such soldier's company although his commanding officer, Lt Lawrence R. Steward, Jr., 0-1060658, Company "L", 157th Infantry, 45th Division, was informed of the incident.


32. In view of the transfer of the 42d and the 45th divisions, it is recommended that this report be forwarded to the Commanding General, Third Army, for such action as he may deem appropriate.

Joseph M. Whitaker
Lt. Colonel, IGD,
Asst. Inspector General,
Seventh Army

9 Incl:
9-Ex "A" to "I" incl

APPROVED: (signed)
C. K. Leerer
Colonel, IGD,
Inspector General,
Seventh Army

Lieutenant General, USA
я тоже могу букв накидать
According to Buechner's 1986 book, Dachau: The Hour of the Avenger: An Eyewitness Account,[19] U.S. forces killed 520 German soldiers, including 346 killed on the orders of 1st Lt. Jack Bushyhead, in an alleged mass execution in the coalyard several hours after the first hospital shooting.
В данном видео рассказывается как менялись рапорты с одной версии на другую
Пример- один офицер рассказал что они завоевали лагерь атакуя его с оружием наперевес
А после сменил версию на то как у него " заклинило оружие"
Так что рапорты поданые "наверх" проходили очень немалую цензуру.
Потому бумажками можно подтерется
Некоторые люди сделали немалую карьеру и не хотели что бы их грязное белье видели другие
Но мы не позволим людям которые были там и сознались в том что они видели нас переубедить...
Последнее редактирование:
According to Buechner's 1986 book, Dachau: The Hour of the Avenger

Могу повторить -- именно эта полная бездоказательных выдумок книга и педалируется апологетами Третьего Рейха и отрицателями Холокоста. Вы точно хотите быть в их милой компании?

Вот выдержки постов из треда (который вы отказались читать), что разбирают этот опус:

There is no evidence that there were exactly "560 SS guards" at Dachau on April 29th, 1945. Victor Maurer, the Swiss Red Cross representative who helped surrender the camp to the US 42nd Infantry Division's General Linden, estimated the number of SS guards at the camp to be roughly 120.

Buechner claims, for example, that "560 guards" were on the "roll call" of "Waffen-SS SS-Obersturmführer H. Skodzensky", who was transferred to Dachau from the "Eastern Front" 2 days before liberation.

Slight problem, however. There's no documentation or evidence of the roll-call Buechner mentions. Even worse, there's no Skodzensky. Yep - I've
asked Marc Rikmenspoel, Mark Yerger, Bernie Brule and even asked Tom Albright to look up the name Skodzensky on John Moore's database of 26,000 SS officers 1933-45. No Skodzensky on any SS officer list. Ever.

"Skodzensky" is the name journalist and former Dachau inmate Nerin Gun made up for his book The Day of the Americans. Gun's creative license has caused a lot of historical headaches! Just like Michael Selzer's Deliverance Day: The Last Hours of Dachau is embellised so much as to practically be fiction.

The REAL SS officer who surrendered Dachau was a 24-year old named Wicker - a former SS-TK member who served for most of the war in the SS-WVHA at Natzweiler-Struthof, Cochem, Mannheim-Sandhofen camps as well as Dachau and a short stint at Junkerschule Bad Tölz. Unlike "Skodzensky" - there's all sorts of info to be found on him.

The myth continues that the SS men killed by the GI's of the 45th and 42nd divisions were "Waffen-SS" front line troops. I've never seen any serious evidence to support the various claims that the "troops" were from the 5th or 11th or 17th SS divisions. Arminiusder Cherusker1 apparently thinks these SS troops were from the W. Europe, but I've seen other accounts that say they were Hungarian volksdeutsche. I have never seen any account that states if these men were from a specific W-SS AuE unit or any specific unit at all.

In all likelihood, the SS troops killed that day were scattered remnants of the Dachau SS administrative personnel, the KZ guards, and others that one would likely find at a military/prison installation and that didn't have the opportunity to change into mufti and disappear into the countryside like so many of their comrades, including camp commandant Weiss. The fact that some of the slain guards were wearing the late war SS cammo pattern uniforms is NOT proof that they were "frontline" W-SS. Gottlob Berger, head of the SS-HA and a great example of a Third Reich REMF, was also captured wearing SS cammies, but that doesn't make him into a Christen Tychsen.

In addition, the myth continues that "all" the "560" (Arminiusder Cherusker1 forgot to add the 30 SS guards "KIA" and the 10 SS guards "disguised SS men killed by inmates") were killed. Another myth - read Legacies of Dachau: The Uses and Abuses of a Concentration Camp 1933-2001 by Harold Marcuse, published by Cambridge University Press - specifically p. 57 of the hardbound edition, which discusses how captured SS men were used to dig mass graves for the dead inmates on May 7th, 1945 and how 30 of the 130 captured SS men were used for garbage collection duty between 10-13 May 1945. (and see footnote #60 on page 423 which sites primary source material like the International Prisoner's Committee minutes, the Voice of America, and the Aug 3, 1945 edition of the Washington Evening Star


I mention all this to prove that Buechner’s book, so dear to Holocaust deniers and Revisionists like Ernst Zundel, contains multiples of errors and caveats over the alleged massacre of 560 SS troops. Here’s some specific examples from Hour of the Avenger:

- p23 Buechner railed against the "error" that journalists Marguerite Higgins and Peter Furst, travelling with General Linden’s group from the 42nd Infantry Division, were first to enter the KZ. But Higgins and Furst were MOST DEFINITELY among the first US troops to liberate the KZ – we know this from her dispatch, the official reports from the 42nd, the photographs taken during the liberation (which show her standing next to Wicker) and books like Flint Whitlock’s history of the 45th ID, "The Rock of Anzio" Buechner’s attempted to "prove" that the 45th ID liberated the KZ first, but he got his facts wrong.

- P20: Buechner mentioned the 157th SS regiment as "they never met their American counterparts in battle" – you bet they didn’t – no 157th SS Regiment ever existed.

- Beuchner’s book claims "Chief" Jack Bushyhead killed 346 surrendered SS men – even provides a convenient diagram of the execution scene – which happens to be the coal yard – the site of the aforementioned execution of 17 SS men. So apparently we have another massacre occuring at the same spot of a previous massacre, but somehow the 7th Army IG, which began investigating the illegal killings on May 1st, found the original 17 SS corpses in the coal yard but missed the additional 346

- Buechner goes on to describe the .30 cal on the ground, the BAR man etc. – he’s describing "Exhibit C" of the 7th Army’s war crimes report - the photo you posted, which shows the US servicemen tentatively identified in this photo are from left to right: Hammorski(?), Pvt. "Birdeye" Bryant (carrying .30-cal ammo), Cpt. Sedler (standing, glancing left) Pvt. Curtain, (kneeling), PFC John Lee (with BAR). Sparks was there – he stopped the shooting. Lt. Walsh was there, he got relieved of command. Lt. Bushyhead was there – he was later investigated by the 7th Army AG. Everyone else mentioned in the photo was investigated by the IG But Buechner definitely WASN"T THERE – he wasn’t among the first 157th IR troops to enter Dachau. He didn’t show up till 2 hours after the coal yard incident (see Rock of Anzio p 389 and footnote 122) which took place at circa 1400 hours.

Buechner in Chapter IX of his book mentioned how he stopped at Spark’s command post prior to witnessing the massacre – but Sparks didn’t set up his command post till 1635 hours ("Rock of Anzio" p. 384)

- Buechner’s book directly CONTRADICTS his testimony taken on 5th May 1945 by the IGD Lt. Col. Joseph Whitaker. Go back to that Boston Globe URL and find the 7th Army IG Report on the mistreatment of SS PWS. Here’s the transcript of his testimony:

Date: 5 May 1945. By: Lt. Col. Joseph M. Whitaker, IGD,

Asst. Inspector General, Seventh Army.

The witness was sworn.

363 Q Please state your name, rank, serial number and organization.

A Howard E. Buchner, 1st Lieutenant, MC, 0-435481, 3rd Bn., 157th Infantry.

(The witness was advised of his rights under the 24th Article of War.)

364 Q Do you remember the taking of the Dachau Concentration Camp?

A Yes, sir.

365 Q Were you the surgeon of the 3rd Battalion, 157th Infantry, at that time?

A Yes, sir.

366 Q Did you see or visit a yard by the power plant where some German soldiers had been shot?

A I did, sir.

367 Q Can you fix the hour at which you saw this?

A Not with certainty, but I would judge about 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon.

368 Q Of what day?

A I can't give the exact date.

369 Q Describe to me what you saw when you visited this yard.

A We learned that one of our companies had gone through the camp and that it was something to see out there. So, we got on one of the peeps to visit there and we were detained for some time by the commanding officer of the 1st Battalion, 157th Infantry, because he didn't know whether the place had been cleared. When we got there we saw a quadrangular enclosure, there was a cement wall about ten feet high and inside this enclosure I saw 15 or 16 dead and wounded German soldiers lying along the wall.

370 Q Did you determine which were dead and which were wounded?

A I did not examine any of them, sir, but I saw several of them moving very slightly.

371 Q Did you make any examination to determine whether or not those who were not dead could be saved?

A I did not.

372 Q Was there any guard there?

A There was a soldier standing at the entrance of this yard whom I assumed to be a guard.

373 Q Do you know the soldier or what company he was from?

A No, sir.

374 Q Do you know whether or not any medical attention was called for these wounded German soldiers?

A I do not.

That’s why Buechner was investigated and recommended for courts martial – he saw the original 17 bodies, some apparently not quite dead, and refused to treat them.

Even Buechners’s account of the "346 massacre" in Chapter IX of his book contains disclaimers. He claims that two .30 cal machine guns killed the 346 SS men, but then states

"Even though the use of two machine guns have been referred to by several others, I have never been able to confirm the presence of the machine gun on the roof"

Note that Lt. Bushyhead was the man supposedly manning this machine gun which may or may not have existed.

Buechner goes on to describe how Lt. Robert Kimsey peeked over the coal yard wall (the wall between Kimsey and the SS troops getting massacred – a rather outrageous thing for a combat veteran to peek his head into the line of fire of 2 machine guns, but whatever) and they says on p. 88

"Although his memory of the length of the wall and the number of slain SS guards differ from mine…"

- Buechner’s diagram of the wall is suspicious longer than the photos taken by T-4 Mussert indicate. If you want I can draw a diagram to illustrate.

- Buechner’s slain SS tally is an attempt to match Nerin Gun’s number of 560. He takes an estimate of 12 SS guards killed at the coal yard (which he claims were killed by "Birdeye") adds 122 "shot on the spot" (a number taken from Michael Seltzer’s book "Deliverance Day" – a book which is heavily fictionalized and overestimates the number killed at the original coal yard shooting) and then invents the "346" massacre and rounds up with 80 more KIA, by inmates, etc. to get the magic number 560.Buechner makes a point to say that all the SS guards were killed, but this is clearly incorrect, as my points above illustrate. And we can see how the number of SS dead increased through the years through sloppy research.

Tangential to the Dachau story, but perhaps an indication of the historical accuracy of Buechner’s research, is Buechner’s other book "SECRETS OF THE HOLY LANCE"
Described as
"One of the most incredible books on lost treasure, secret societies, ancient relics and WWII ever written. Taking up where The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft leaves off, this book relates that the Holy Lance was secretly taken to a base in Antarctica, while a replica was returned to the Vienna Museum. A book packed with strange information on Nazi bases in Antarctica, Himmler and
the SS, U-boats carrying important Nazis to South America and Hitler's secret treasure."

I am still uncertain as to why Buechner wrote his book – a book which so slanders his comrade Bushyhead "The Avenger" and his division, which frankly, despite the regrettable illegal killings, did a pretty wonderful thing for humanity by liberating Dachau.


Virtually all accounts agree that at least some of the Dachau SS personnel and the KZ staff fled the area the night of April 28th. However, we have no evidence to proove if there was a contingent W-SS men to replace the KZ personnel who fled. I don't use cammo uniforms, edelweiss patches and cuff titles as "proof" since they aren't reliable standards. (SS men often wore cuff titles other than the unit they were in, but that's a whole other subject)

The inverse version of the Dachau liberation story - "the Dachau as US warcrime" myth - really hinges on the W-SS story line elements:

a) Waffen-SS are the "good" SS - they weren't Nazi racists, they didn't run the KZ system, they were good and honest and brave and basically everything that the "bad" Allgemeine-SS wasn't. "Frontline" W-SS troops are even better, because it further separates them from Nazi totaliarism and envelops them in the cocoon of front line bravery and comradeship.

b) Having the W-SS troops replace the KZ guard troops the night before the Americans come conveniently sets up the W-SS troops as "innocent" of whatever crimes were committed at Dachau literally up to the last 12 hours. This innocence is important, because it plays into the role these troops play as

c) Victims of American injustice. The slaughtered SS troops just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and those terrible Americans, so arrogant and typically shooting first and asking questions later, line up those brave, blond anti-Bolshevik fighters and gun them down, to paraphrase pro-Nazi Holocaust denier and anti-Semite Erst Zundel, like a St. Valentine's Day massacre (a very famous gangland slaying of 1920's Chicago)

The "Nazi's as victims" concept is one of the three themes of Herbert Marcuse's work Legacies of Dachau . The book discusses at great length how generations of Germans from 1945-2000 viewed their Nazi past and how for many Germans, it was the Nazi's, not the KZ inmates, who were the victims of history. This perception of Nazi's as good guys unjustly persecuted is of course a defining feature of Revisionists. They continue to proclaim the "Nazi as victim" theme even as German society has eventually moved towards an much more nuanced ability to understand and accept their past both as victims - and as perpetrators.
Последнее редактирование:
Если бы и впрямь всех охранников расстреляли у стенки из пулемета -- то и фиг бы с ним.

Но говорить, что всех расстреляли, да еще с жареными подробностями, когда этого не было -- уже са-авсем другой коленкор. Впрочем ладно, я уже повторяюсь.
слушай, тут на форуме постоянно помои в сторону советских солдат. ты хоть раз вступился?
Небезинтересный доклад Конгрессу о нацистских концлагерях (в т.ч. и Дахау, в котором конгрессмены побывали через два дня после освобождения), опубликованный в мае 1945: http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/policy/Atrocities-01.pdf Конгресс послал 12 своих членов (по шесть человек от демократов и республиканцев), дабы те своими глазами взглянули на нацистские концлагеря и заверили американцев, что все что появляется про них в прессе правда -- ибо все еще были свежи в памяти ложные обвинения времен первой мировой войны. Ну и разбор полетов по докладу, с историческим контекстом и фотографиями конгрессменов при визите в концлагеря (Бухенвальд, Дора, Дахау): http://scholarworks.uvm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1380&context=graddis

P.S. Еще интересная книга про Дахау -- мемуары американского врача, что занимался реабилитацией тридцати тысяч заключенных которые там были на момент освобождения: https://books.google.com/books?id=2...ce=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false Никто не знает, кстати, с советской стороны подобные книги об освобожденных РККА KZ есть? Должны же быть.
Последнее редактирование:
Никто не знает, кстати, с советской стороны подобные книги об освобожденных РККА KZ есть? Должны же быть.

Есть воспоминания освобождённых о том, как их после "фильтрации" отправляли в советские лагеря. Из огня да в полымя.

В СССР, как и в нацистской Германии, были свои ученые, ставившие эксперименты на живых людях, в первую очередь, на узниках ГУЛАГа.
Освобождение Освенцима? Нет, не слышал.

Освобождение Освенцима говоришь ? А тот факт что Освенцим вообще стал возможным не в последнюю очередь благодаря именно красному флагу мы забудем ? Про пакт Молотова - Рибентропа и раздел той самой Польши , где и находился сам Освенцим не слышал ? Да , там не только вина СССР , но и других стран . Но это никак не оправдывает и не снимает вины с красного флага .
Освобождение Освенцима говоришь ? А тот факт что Освенцим вообще стал возможным не в последнюю очередь благодаря именно красному флагу мы забудем ? Про пакт Молотова - Рибентропа и раздел той самой Польши , где и находился сам Освенцим не слышал ? Да , там не только вина СССР , но и других стран . Но это никак не оправдывает и не снимает вины с красного флага .
Много раз показано - авиации союзников МОГЛА разнести пути в лагеря уничтожения,но не делала этого.
Освобождение Освенцима говоришь ? А тот факт что Освенцим вообще стал возможным не в последнюю очередь благодаря именно красному флагу мы забудем ? Про пакт Молотова - Рибентропа и раздел той самой Польши , где и находился сам Освенцим не слышал ? Да , там не только вина СССР , но и других стран . Но это никак не оправдывает и не снимает вины с красного флага .

Да-да, пили бы баварское и лежали бы в мыльнице. Плавали - знаем. Проклятый красный флаг!
Освобождение Освенцима говоришь ? А тот факт что Освенцим вообще стал возможным не в последнюю очередь благодаря именно красному флагу мы забудем ? Про пакт Молотова - Рибентропа и раздел той самой Польши , где и находился сам Освенцим не слышал ? Да , там не только вина СССР , но и других стран . Но это никак не оправдывает и не снимает вины с красного флага .
Ты думаеш если бы СССР не напал на Польшу вместе с Германией в 39, Польша отбилась бы от Вермахта, и не было бы Освенцима ? Это врядли.

На самом деле окупация восточной части Польши СССР спасла жизни многих польских евреев. Сначала немцы даже поощряли переход евреев на советскую территорию Польши.
СССР предложил польским евреям гражданство. Те кто согласился его принять, могли в 41 эвакуироватся в глубь СССР. К сожалению большинство попало под немецкую окупацию в 41 и погибло.
Те евреи, которые отказались принять гражданство СССР были масссово депортированы в Сибирь и Среднюю Азию. Многие из депортированных погибли, но многих эта депортация спасла от смерти. После войны им даже разрешили выезд из СССР.
Не все плохое что сделал СССР Польше или Украине, было плохо для евреев. Я уже говорил в этой теме, мир не черно-белый.

Почитай вот эту статью и коментарии к ней.

Последнее редактирование:
Ты думаеш если бы СССР не напал на Польшу вместе с Германией в 39, Польша отбилась бы от Вермахта, и не было бы Освенцима ? Это врядли.

На самом деле окупация восточной части Польши СССР спасла жизни многих польских евреев. Сначала немцы даже поощряли переход евреев на советскую территорию Польши.
СССР предложил польским евреям гражданство. Те кто согласился его принять, могли в 41 эвакуироватся в глубь СССР. К сожалению большинство попало под немецкую окупацию в 41 и погибло.
Те евреи, которые отказались принять гражданство СССР были масссово депортированы в Сибирь и Среднюю Азию. Многие из депортированных погибли, но многих эта депортация спасла от смерти. После войны им даже разрешили выезд из СССР.
Не все плохое что сделал СССР Польше или Украине, было плохо для евреев. Я уже говорил в этой теме, мир не черно-белый.

Почитай вот эту статью и коментарии к ней.

Без большевизма, и соответственно, без СССР, не было бы ни Холокоста, ни ВМВ, ни нацистов, по крайней мере, нацистов у власти. Странно в таких очевидных вещах сомневаться на 22 году 21 века...
Без большевизма, и соответственно, без СССР, не было бы ни Холокоста, ни ВМВ, ни нацистов, по крайней мере, нацистов у власти. Странно в таких очевидных вещах сомневаться на 22 году 21 века...
Это где, в какой стране или паралельном измерении такой бред вместо истории втирают ?
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