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Япoнскый шпецнaз

тут где-тo прoскoчилo сooбщение, чтo япoнскoе прaвительствo, сильнo oгoрчившись пленением свoих сooтечественникoв в Ирaке, решилo выслaть тудa спецнaз.
A чтo мы oб этoм спецнaзе знaем?
Имею в виду - прoисхoждение, oбрaзoвaние, былые зaслуги и вся сoпутствующaя инфoрмaция.
Oтдельнaя прoсьбa к Мaгнуму: дружoк, не тoрoпись зaвaливaть тему спaмoм. Всегдa успеется...
В сухпaйке у них гaмбургер. Нет, честнoе слoвo. Ну, 5 лет нaзaд ещё был тoчнo.
Народ, насколько больше Японских заложников станет у Шиитов ?
Тут: http://www.specialoperations.com/Foreign/Japan/policy.htm есть весьма общее описание. Кроме этого не видел честно говоря.
Oh dear, somebody just fucked up big time.

We won't pretend to be even remotely expert when it comes to the Japanese, but we're pretty sure that we understand a few things about that noble people that those turbaned sand lice should've familiarized themselves with before they stuck their dicks in the goat and played "hide the pineapple" this time.

Here are a few hints, Mustafah: You towelheaded freaks of nature may think that you're big on the concept of face, but you're rank amateurs when compared to the sons and daughters of Nippon.

YOUR idea of showing strength and defiance is swarming the streets when infants have been blown to bits, promising Dire Revenge™ and death to everyone who opposes you - right up until the moment when somebody fires a rifle in your general direction, which is when you run home and cower under the kitchen table.

YOUR idea of honor and saving face amounts to nothing more than empty blustering until there's a chance that you might get your robes perforated.

The Japanese, on the other hand, die first.

Try reading up on the island hopping campaign in the Pacific and pay particular attention to what Japanese soldiers did when faced with insurmountable odds, no ammo and no chance in Hell that they'd ever escape in one piece.

Did they surrender? Did they run off and hide behind their children while blaming it all on the Zionist Cabal? Did they decide that discretion was the better part of valor and live to squeal another day?

No, they didn't. They died where they stood.

You see, they CAN'T. Losing face is worse than dying.

A long time ago, I learned in school that civil suits in Japan more often than not never see a courtroom, since they're usually settled of court. To avoid losing? Sure, sometimes, but quite often the one with the winning hand would settle to avoid causing his opponent in the WRONG to lose face, because that was the most horrible thing you could do to a man.

I'm sure that a lot of things have changed, but things rarely ever change THAT much. Outward appearances or tatemae are one thing, honne is QUITE another.

So, to put it bluntly, you raving ragheaded rats, you've put yourself in a very, very uncomfortable position. Koizumi cannot give in to your demands, even if he wanted to and you, being the drooling illiterate camel fucking mud dwellers that you are, can't very well back down on your threats now that you've gone public with them, can you?

You should, however, if you knew what was good for you.

Being laughed at behind your back for letting those hostages go may hurt your fragile sensitivities, but not near as much as having your bowels ripped open and sitting around watching your guts slipping through your fingers while you bleed to death.

Touching those hostages would be a VERY big mistake, Mustafah.

This isn't Spain you're dealing with. Heck, it's not even the U.S. either, where the yellow-bellied treasonous press squeals and whimpers in outrage if one of you worthless scumbags are slapped in the face without your Miranda rights being read to you in three languages first.

This is something much, much more dangerous.

Be afraid.

Be very, very afraid.

Найдено на www.imao.com
У них до недавнего времени вообще не было групп антитеррора.
Вот всё что находилось у них: http://www.agentura.ru/dossier/japan/
Сейчас они его создают: http://www.agentura.ru/specnaz/Right?id=20030805030000
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